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Hello Podcast and Mountain Dulcimer Enthusiasts!

We appreciate you listening to the Hearts of the Dulcimer podcast and watching our documentary film. If you like what you’ve heard or seen, we’re asking you to help us continue to tell more dulcimer stories either by making a donation or purchasing dulcimer inspired items in our online store.

donate  Hearts of the Dulcimer online store 

Wayne Jiang and Patricia Delich

We, Patricia and Wayne, are both regular dulcimer players with regular jobs, and we do this out of our love for the dulcimer. We appreciate your financial support so we can continue bringing you dulcimer stories.

Your contributions help us with hosting, equipment, travel, and production costs. Please know that whatever you offer is received with much gratitude!

Please note that your donations are processed through PayPal and you don't need a PayPal acccount for the transaction. Donations are not tax deducible.

What It Takes to Produce the Hearts of the Dulcimer Podcast

An average podcast episode takes between 60 - 100 hours to create and sometimes a lot more. We often work on multiple episodes at the same time. More complicated ones can take months and sometimes years to create.

Our process has four parts:

    • Research the subject matter, including music, historic facts, and artists’ biographies
    • Find and book guests
    • Choose music
    • Create interview questions

    • Conduct and record the interviews

    • Edit down the interviews and combine them with music
    • More research to make sure facts are correct
    • Communicate with our guests and get permissions for music and archival materials
    • Write and record the narration
    • Combine and make transitions between the interviews, music, and narration in audio software
    • Listen to the episode and make adjustments
    • Repeat step above until we’re happy
    • Release the episode

    • Create a unique resource page for each episode on our website
    • Social media engagement: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, email newsletter, etc.

We go through this extensive process because we’re dedicated to creating a high quality podcast that is insightful, in-depth, and entertaining. We see each episode as a piece of beautiful and intricate fabric. Over time, we’re building a patchwork quilt with these pieces of fabric that showcases the mountain dulcimer’s deep history and rich future. Won’t you help us build this beautiful quilt?

Patricia & Wayne
Hearts of the Dulcimer