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Episode #021: AppalAsia: Bridging Traditions

AppalAsia: Bridging Traditions

Listen Now (Duration 35 min.)

With the unusual combination of two American and one Chinese instrument, the trio AppalAsia bridge the Appalachian and Chinese music traditions to create music that is soulful, sophisticated, and genre bending.

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Jeff Berman
Susan Powers
Mimi Jong


• Cargo - from Cargo (2015)
• Wild Horse - from Pu An (2010)
• Pony Bird - from Cargo (2015)
• Eye 2 Eye - from Pu An (2010)
• Green Island - from Cargo (2015)
• Early Warning - from Cargo (2015)

Website Resource Links:

AppalAsia on Facebook
Learn more about the erhu

Photos and Videos

AppalAsia's CD Cargo


Pu An
AppalAsia's CD Pu An

Susan Powers, Jeff Berman, and Mimi Jong
Susan Powers, Jeff Berman, and Mimi Jong

Susan Powers, Jeff Berman, and Mimi Jong
Susan Powers, Jeff Berman, and Mimi Jong


AppalAsia performing Up and Down the River


AppalAsia performing Wild Horse


AppalAsia performing Early Warning